Crimped Tubing - Kent Elastomer Products

Crimped Tubing


International liquid packaging company.


An international company specializing in liquid bag-in-box and pouch packaging solutions was looking for a more cost-effective way to seal tube ends on its packaging to keep product from leaking. The company had been paying for the assembly of a component to place on the ends of the tubes, which added significant costs to producing the final product.


Kent Elastomer Products, Inc. wanted to supply a completed part at a lower cost. To achieve this goal, we needed to reduce the assembly process as much as possible while maintaining the integrity of the end use.


We fabricated a device that crimps the end of each tube as part of our in-line tube-making process. Manufactured in our SQF-certified food safety facility, the crimped tubing is a safe and cost-effective option for food and beverage suppliers. With the dispensing end of the tube completely crimped, it protects the tubing until the precise moment of use. For this customer in particular, it entirely eliminated the assembly process and the costs associated with it.

Do you need similar crimped tubing for your food and beverage products? We can help you too! Contact us today for more information on our crimped tubing.

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PO Box 668
Kent, OH 44240


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KEP Customized Tubing Solutions

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