Medtronic - Kent Elastomer Products

As your strategic partner, KEP continues to help Medtronic improve healthcare for more people, in more ways, and in more places than ever before.

Our proven success in your industry – and many others – is the backbone of our longtime partnership with you!

Now, let’s talk about how we can continue to grow together.

A quick look at our first 25 years together

KEP’s relationship with Medtronic began in the 1990s when you chose our high quality thoracic drainage tubing for what is now called the Thora-Seal™ chest drainage unit. We continue to provide that high quality product to you.

Do you remember a company called Kendall Healthcare? When we began working with you on the Thora-Seal™ chest drainage unit, that’s what you were called. However, through mergers and acquisitions, Kendall evolved into Tyco Healthcare, U.S. Surgical and Covidien. Then, finally, Medtronic.

Through it all, KEP was there, providing quality and partnership you continue to experience and rely on to this day.

KEP is always your constant. For over 25 years, KEP remains a trusted source for end-to-end excellence. KEP became LEAN certified in 2006 – which has helped Medtronic’s bottom line. KEP continues to meet your growing demand – and never breaks stride. KEP is committed to earning your business every day.

New Capabilities for 2018-2019

  • Class 1000 cleanroom extrusion
  • Co-extrusion
  • In-line printing for lot and raw materials traceability
  • Cleanroom addition to assembly services
  • ISO 13485: 2016

Case studies that apply to your market

Here Are Other Ways KEP Helps You Succeed

KEP focuses on you. Our only investment is supporting you. By concentrating 100% on being your ideal supplier/strategic partner, we remain nimble, innovative and proactive. These stories prove it…

Medical Industry

Meets Regulations. Solves Quality Problems.

KEP produces tubing and medical tubing, such as fluid pathways, drug delivery systems, wound drainage, Penrose tubes, and blood pressure tubing.

We solved a healthcare client’s conversion to non-latex with all new processes and our own proprietary rubber alternative in just 6 weeks – 2 weeks ahead of schedule.

Let’s talk about how we did it – and how we can be your strategic partner, too!

Aviation Industry

Money and Time Saved. Safety Measures Improved.

An aviation client had a big problem. The seams and fasteners on aircraft require frequent inspection – but the inspection sensor is highly sensitive and can’t touch metal used in the process. This complicated the inspections and made them more costly.

Here’s how KEP solved our client’s problem: We created a small, dipped bulb to allow the inspection sensor to float – without touching seams and fasteners!

Let’s talk about this and another project we did for this aviation client – saving time and money during the powder coating process. We can be just as innovative for you, too!

Hate Red Tape? So Do We. Here’s What We Did About It.

“I wish all our suppliers were like you,” said the client. Here’s why:

Our customer faced an abrupt change – the source of their raw materials changed – and they did not want an interruption to their manufacturing.

They met with KEP, believing they would have to do all the planning and directing to ensure identification, segregation and traceability were correctly accomplished.

However, we presented a detailed plan. The meeting was quick and solved all their pain points – which allowed for a smooth transition.

  • Skids of the transition product were completely segregated. Plus, the plan allowed the entire truck shipment to be kept separate to minimize confusion.
  • All of the product skids of new material were clearly labeled to make identification clear and very simple in their warehouse.
  • And the COC was marked so there would be no mistakes about lot traceability of the “new” material.

They are examples of our smartest, most successful supplier best practices – cutting through red tape so our customer never had to. Let’s talk about how we can do the same for you.

“Our procurement white paper series is all about what KEP lives every day – developing supplier partnerships with customers who want to succeed.”

-Joe Williamson

We invite you to read "Strategies for Successful Procurement Partnerships"

A white paper series that examines best practices on building strong, winning relationships with your suppliers.

Talk with your KEP team

Joe Williamson

Joe Williamson

Senior Director of Global Sales and Customer Operations

Let’s Make It Happen

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KEP Customized Tubing Solutions

We love a challenge.

What’s yours?

Optimize efficiency?
Build a prototype?
Improve product or customer service?

Let’s make it happen!