What is Crimped Tubing and How Can it Help Your Industry? - KEP

What is Rubber Crimping?

Is there ever a time convenient for a hose or tube not to work? No matter the industry, when a tube malfunctions or doesn’t connect properly, it spells trouble. Crimping rubber tubing provides a more reliable and robust connection compared to other methods like clamping or banding. Crimped rubber tubing refers to a type of flexible hose or tubing made from rubber material that has undergone a crimping process. Crimping involves the use of a specialized tool or machine to compress and deform the tubing at specific points, creating a secure connection between the tubing and fittings.

Rubber crimping is a crucial aspect of tubing design. Read more about its manufacturing and practical uses below.

What is the Purpose of Crimping Rubber?

Crimped rubber tubing is often used in applications where flexibility, durability, and a secure connection are essential, such as transmitting fluids under pressure. Crimping is a technical term for “joining.” It allows for the connection of two materials through physical manipulation. Typically, crimping occurs with a mechanically aided process, like clamping or twisting. 

Crimping rubber tubing allows the tubing to connect to other assets, such as a metal connection port or another tube. This process allows for a secure connection that prevents leaks and ensures the proper functioning of the system.

Apart from joining tubing with fittings and other components, rubber crimping serves several industry purposes. For example, crimping the ends of rubber tubing is effective for keeping materials stored within the tubing from escaping or being damaged.

How Are Rubber Hoses Crimped?

Crimping a hose takes a combination of mechanical and chemical applications. After measuring and cutting the hose to the desired length, it’s important to properly clean the tubing and take appropriate measurements. Following that, the die is selected depending on the job’s specifications. Then the tubing is inserted into the connector and the die into the machine, where compression is applied until a tight and reliable seal is created. Finally, all that’s left to do is verify the measurements and cap the tubing. 

Applications of Rubber Crimping

Rubber crimping helps enhance tubing performance across many industries. Below are a few typical industrial applications for a crimped hose.

tubing for brakes

Automotive Applications of Crimped Tubing

Everyone who drives has had to hit the brakes at one point or another. Now, imagine those brakes were not there. If it were not for crimped industrial tubing, modern braking systems wouldn’t exist. However, brakes are only one tubing component of a car. Depending on the make and model, hydraulics tubing and other crimped tubing can also be major components in a car’s construction.

crimped pop tube

Crimped Food & Beverage Tubing

Crimped tubing also has a home in the kitchen of your favorite restaurant and bar. The vehicle for the flavored syrup to the soft drink dispenser relies on tubing that can reliably connect from the box to the nozzle. Crimped tubing is also used for various other food and beverage applications, including sealing the dispensing end of a tube to protect the tubing until the precise moment of use.

Crimped Medical Crimping 

The medical industry relies on tubing that performs as intended, as it might be a matter of life and death in a hospital setting. Crimped tubing ensures that the medical tubing used in various life-saving machines and procedures stays properly connected to all components, allowing for the safe delivery of medical inventions and treatments.

KEP Offers Superior Crimped Rubber Hoses

Crimped hosing can make all the difference in helping to create a secure and reliable product that meets your performance demands. After over sixty years in the business, Kent Elastomer Products knows precisely how to create tubing that will rise to the challenge of your specific industry. Talk to our experts about how we can fulfill your company’s crimped tubing needs.